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A/S/L: 37, Male, Weston-super-Mare, UK
Marital: Relationship
Interests: My kids, movies, music, literature and computing

Friday, 23rd May 2008

So - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull... We drove up to Vue in Cribbs Causeway around 11.20, after Spoon and his boyfriend (who I dont have a name for yet) and Chaka had gone home (I provided freshly cooked Steak & Kidney pie that Squinty had made that day - and fucking awesome it was too. I shall be getting him make more soon!) in order to watch the 12:01am showing. So lots of effort made, money paid for tickets and...

What a fucking letdown! Too much "comedy", too little storyline and action sequences were over the top.

I give it 4/10 - cos I was that excited and that disappointed. Ho-hum!

Then last night I went to the pub for a bit, came back to Jams a little mashed, spent time with Pliers and Krill (including dozing on the sofa - again), ate and then didn't want to get up this morning at all.

This weekend I've got the kids until Monday morning and then the rest of Bank Holiday Monday I shall be spending with Jam doing stuff and maybe meeting up with friends for a curry in the evening. Then Wednesday a truckload of us are going to Posh Spice for yet another curry, but this time a buffet meal which should be quite amazing.

I reckon work should be over by mid-June, as I had a go at everyone involved on Wednesday about the fact that I was days behind on my close down work cos of other work they had given me. So I am just gonna be a cunt from now on and say "no" to everything and everyone at work. Just because...

Oh and a big shout out to Chaka who has confessed to being a new reader of my blog. Chaka is Jam's sister (one of a pair of twins - the other one being Demus) and older sister to Pliers and who works literally next door to where I do (this is all here so there is no doubt that Chaka recognise that I am talking about her) *waves*

Also, finding out that "new" people are reading this leaves me in a little bit of a dilemma. How much information should I reveal here? Should I really be talking about all the donkey rape and the stolen art treasures? But then again, proper readers will go back through all the posts and the archives and work out that I just wibble on about all sorts of boring crap and hardly ever pen anything of interest. Or maybe I do!?!?!?!?!

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